Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Trail Trash
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
The Gardening Guys Suck!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Christmas Already?
Whatever. To punish them, I'm determined not to go into any stores this year for my Christmas... hello, ebay and amazon!
Saturday, November 26, 2005
What a Turkey!!
So I realized that I haven't written in over 2 weeks! Oh my gosh... my brain was consumed by Thanksgiving. We hosted this year and as you can see by my nephew's face, all went well. I must recommend, if you have the equipment, barbequing your turkey. It came out soooo good with a nice smokey, ham flavor. Thanksgiving has to be my favorite holiday. Celebrating a bounty of food and good old American gluttony with family and friends makes me so happy. We did however have a Mediterranean style menu with dishes from Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey, along with the classic stuffing, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. It was a great feast.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Would You Like Fries With That?
Last night's episode was entitled "Fast Food Nightmare." I've never heard of this scam before, but apparently it had gone on in about 70 different fast food stores across the nation since 1994. The scam basically is this: a guy calls and asks for the manager on duty, when the manager gets on the phone, the caller tells him/her that he is the police and that they need to strip search one of the employees who has stolen something. There's a little bit more build up, but not much. Well, the story last night was about the case from which they caught the caller. It was all caught on the McDonald's security camera in Kentucky. This stupid-ass assistant manager, Donna Summers (I kept thinking of Donna Summer, which made watching the show even better; Donna Summers, however, is a 40ish chubby white woman) brought a teenage employee into the back office and followed the caller's instructions for about 3 or 4 hours. Over the course of those hours the employee was stripped of her clothes, cell phone and keys and left with only an apron to cover herself. She was left alone 3 different times with 3 different men. One of the men, Donna Summers' fiance (a 43-year old exterminator) was with her for 2 hours and made drop her apron, spanked her bare ass and I think made her give him oral, but ABC didn't specify. Over all those hours, Donna came in and out of the office and never questioned what was going on and denied that the employee ever asked her for help. Finally, some janitor said that the caller couldn't be for real and then, stupid Donna Summers called her manager and found out it was all a hoax.
So there's the setup. And you know who stupid Donna Summers blamed? McDonalds. Why? Because McDonalds didn't train her properly. Who thinks keeping a girl naked in a fast food office is proper procedure? What a dumb ass!!! Even if she's being advised by her lawyers to blame McDonalds. She should be brought up on rape charges with her sick-ass fiance! Instead, she's charged with a misdemeanor for false imprisonment. The caller (who they have arrested) is pretty smart to prey on the sad saps working as fast food managers (or in this case, assistant managers). Miss Donna Summers probably got off on the power high of doing something important for the police and having control over this cute teenage girl who all the customers and other employees smile at while passing over her own nasty self!
Friday, November 04, 2005
The Best Birthday Ever!
My birthday tomorrow is already shaping up to be the best ever!!!! My friends Imelda & Ken sent this giant cookie to me today! Well, Imelda is the one who does all the work, but Ken is always there to say, "you're welcome" when all the thanks come in.
Will the Real Nicholas Cage Please Stand Up
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Vegas Halloween Baby!!
Anyway, Ken threw me under the bus by saying on his website that I would have pictures posted of all the skanky costumes from the Hard Rock. Well, I finally got around to it and added included the funny costumes too. Here you go.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Tribute to Better Off Dead
Also, make sure to check out his Steve, Don't Eat It! series
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Stupid Segways
Cactus to Hell Hike
We completed the portion of the hike that ends at the top of the tram at 1:45 and passed 3 people in the last couple miles. Well, one had run out of water and her asthma medicine and another was our sweeper who was suffering muscle spasms - so I can't take too much pride in that. I believe Michael would have made it a little faster without me. But as much as I tried and, I could not increase my turtle pace. I actually feel that the only reason we finished is that the option to turn around would have been worse after the first few miles. Those who completed the hike in less than 6 hours did the second part of the hike which takes you from 8500 feet to a little over 10,000 feet in 6 miles. This would make your whole day a nice 22 miles because you take the tram down instead of the treacherous, terrible hike that we took up.
So, I'm glad I did it; the hike gave me a good sense of accomplishment, but if I am ever invited to do this hike again or one that is similar, I either will decline or have to get a new pair of legs!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Ripped Off by "Nickel and Dimed"
The author takes us through her experiences in 3 different cities: Key West, FL; Portland, ME; and Minneapolis, MN. She worked as a hotel maid, a waitress, a house maid and a Wal-Mart employee. From what I could tell, the longest she spent at any of these locations was a month.
I believe that this was part of her unrealistic rules of the experiment. Who would think that they could move to a new city where they don't know anyone, get a crappy job that pays $7/hr and be able to pay for rent in your own apartment? First of all, most of the people I've ever known who have made that much had a roommate or significant other to ease expenses. She never explored the option of renting a room in a house, which is still done by people I know who make much more than $7/hr. To expect everyone to be able to afford housing by themselves is unreasonable, especially in one months time. I don't know of any country where that is possible.
Another part of the experiment where she just plunked herself down in a city without knowing anyone or having a particular reason to go there (like trying to be an actor in Hollywood), seemed unrealistic. She's found one person to add to her book who as done this, in effect, to show that this may be more frequent than we might think. I don't buy it. I'm thinking that most low wage earners are in or near their home town or have moved to a new city for school or with someone or to pursue some desire.
Mostly, what bothered me about this book though was the socialist propaganda tone that underlies the whole book. She speaks of the bourgeois homeowners who employ the maid service for which she works. She attacks their decor, their lifestyle, their religious choices. She accuses society of looking down on maids and not acknowledging their existence. These blanket statements are based on her 2 to 3 weeks of employment as a maid. She makes similar generalizations about all of her positions.
It's obvious from this book that she has never held down any sort of regular job. She complains of the monotony of the work, being demoralized by the management, the pure exhaustion of a 10 hour day. These are components of most jobs, low and high wage. Her revelations and self-congratulatory statements permeate the book. She is surprised when she tells her coworker that she is a writer that no one cares. She pats herself on the back for making it through a long day of work when her coworkers don't show up. I'm not sure what world she lives in, but that instance is not exclusive to the low wage job. I mention these things because I would think to write about reality, one should have some basis in it.
Her approach as a whole is highly unscientific, especially for someone who mentions her Ph.D. in Biology at least 50 times in the book. She blends statistical quotes and narrative together so as to form a report. It seems that she dug up research to support her experience rather than her experience backing up the facts. Sometimes her narrative is humorous, but mostly it is as dull as the jobs she is doing. If the intent was illustrate the doldrums of low wage work, she succeeded, but I would think boring your readers is never a good thing. Also, her language jumps about from polished academic to that of a sailor. She blames this early in the book on her truck driver husband. Yet, again with her big Ph.D. I would expect her to be able to write in a professional manner even if she can't speak in one.
As I said above, this book is basically socialist propaganda. Let me say that I do agree that the federal minimum wage should be higher. However, the author constantly refers the rich and the poor. I'm not sure where the middle class went. She doesn't seem to ever identify herself with the rich. She cites the countries that provide health insurance and other benefits to its citizens, but fails to mention the high income taxes necessary for such benefits.
It's almost as if she wrote this book for herself and friends and family to validate the time she took to do this silly experiment.
This Just Cracked Me Up
So this was on a car in Arches NP. The car was from Colorado. I find the cars from Colorado to be particularly ballsy and contain speedy drivers. We came across another Colorado vehicle parked at Bryce Canyon NP (yes, still in Utah) with the book Under the Banner of Heaven in plain view in the back window. In fact, it was the first thing I saw as I approached the car... see, they've got big balls in Colorado!
Monday, October 17, 2005
More Fortune Cookie Madness
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Proverb Cookies
Thursday, October 13, 2005
On the Road Again
Friday, September 30, 2005
Silly Stewardesses
Why do people get so riled up about movies? I mean cops get portrayed as unscrupulous individuals all the time in movies and you don't see them banding together and boycotting movies. Why? Because they realize that movies aren't real. They aren't journalistic portrayals. Rather than the supposed unflattering portrayal of flight attendants in the movie causing me to distrust them, their silly self-important boycott will do it.
I'm Probably the Biggest Fool
Truman Capote
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Crazy Pita People
If I hadn't eaten their food before, I'd be afraid it was laced with something. Hey, maybe it was.... Boise did look pretty good after dinner.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Disneyland: A Study in Culture
The other thing that I found very interesting is that the French go wild over the Peter Pan ride. It's the only Peter Pan ride out of all the parks that they put this Fastpass thing in where you get to come back at a certain time without having to wait in line. What's up with the French and Peter Pan? It's a pretty boring ride here. I just can't possibly imagine what would make it so intriguing, unless maybe you can bring a bottle of wine along!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Gee, That's Swell
The Weather Channel broadcasts had said since at least last Friday that it was going to inflict terrible devastation in Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. The hurricane hit land on Monday morning. It is Wednesday; now 3 states have major damage and 3 others have minor damage and the domestic oil industry has suffered damage. So what do I read in the New York Times this morning:
"President Bush announced Tuesday that he would cut short his extended summer vacation and fly to Washington to begin work on Wednesday with a task force that will coordinate the work of 14 federal agencies involved in the relief effort. "
That's really generous. Way to support your people!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Beach Diapers
I mean I hate littering in general. What if I just left some yucky underwear sitting on the ground? Would that be acceptable? No. Leaving diapers anywhere but the garbage is totally wrong, no matter what the situation.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Happy Rant
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Monday, August 15, 2005
Discovery Channel Gone Wild
I also ask this question with respect to the rest of non-movie channel cable being so sanitized save the Cartoon Network and animated Fox shows (they happily get away with murder). I want to see more warnings on my commercial breaks. I want to see more uncensored TV without having to pay the big bucks!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
When Good Books Go Bad
And then, BAM! At the end of the book, a classic Hollywood ending: bad guys crushed, good guys win, a little corny humor and little romance - all in the White House to boot!
When an author brings me into contemporary social settings and real places with realistic characters, I expect a realistic ending. Nope, didn't happen this time.
More of that old Intelligent Design
The episode focused on the Discovery Institute in Seattle, whose website is one of those that I looked at before I wrote my last post. The intelligent design movement is being pushed out into the country from a progressive city. I call that intelligent design!
Anyway, here's a good article featuring the "debate" that the proponents of intelligent design say is going on in the scientific community. I call it more of a debunking. Maybe the Discovery Institute should feature it on their website.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Maybe Evolution, Maybe Not
Pres Bush is his usual vague way has apparently endorsed intelligent design; but not really, according to his advisors what he said was just common sense. I generally don't pay attention to what politicians say because they're usually saying it to make some supporter group happy. The only reason I'm paying attention to these statements is that the supporter groups that he is making happy can actually use his statements to affect change on the local level. His latest quote that is being championed by intelligent design supporters is " 'I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught.' Asked again by a reporter whether he believed that both sides in the debate between evolution and intelligent design should be taught in the schools, Mr. Bush replied that he did, 'so people can understand what the debate is about.' " Also, other articles about this statement reference a comment from him in Science magazine: "Bush said the federal government should not tell states or school boards what to teach but that 'scientific critiques of any theory should be a normal part of the science curriculum.' " They're all such little soundbites. He's so reckless with his positions to not fully explain them. Besides that, if local schools are receiving federal funds, then the big basics of education should be set at a federal level. What if some local school decided to teach that the South was right and it's terrible that they lost the war and Lincoln was a terrible president (actually they probably do in Alabama)? That would be an alternative historical perspective.
I don't agree with the theory of intelligent design being a theory, especially after checking out a couple of websites about it. It is a perspective. The "evidence" they claim to have is that there is no clear explanation of how certain microorganism came into being. So that's it. If I can't find a good explanation then it must be intelligent design. Whatever!
I have two big problems with saying that both sides of the debate should be taught. First of all, yes it's a debate... since when do schools teach about current political debate as scientific theory? This is a political and social debate; when you look at the scientific evidence for intelligent design you'll find none. Second problem is the question of who is the designer. Aliens? God? Mother Earth? Many gods/goddesses? Hell, let's bring back Zeus, he was cool.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Little Dogs Like Babies
Next day, I saw another person with her little dog by the pool. She spent more time chasing after her little dog than enjoying the pool. Stupid!
Friday, July 22, 2005
Old Pushy People
It doesn't sound like much, but it's just a small example of terrible old people thinking they have the right of way because they've earned it by age. Usually they'll move me with their carts or bodies instead of saying something. Or they'll reach right over me at the produce and give me a look like I'm the one in the wrong. They think they own the place because it's a smaller market made just for old people or something. Well it's not, grandma. Stay out of my way!
Friday, July 15, 2005
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I'm a Big Fat Liar
"Where do you live?"
"I lived in Seattle for 10 years. What part do you live in?"
"The u-district, by u-village"
"Oh that's great, I lived in the Kirkland area. I now live in the neighborhood across street.
Would you mind passing this market update on to the homeowners?"
OK, so here I've lied to someone who lives near me and that I may encounter again. I'm so stupid. I can't think on my feet and sometimes that makes me say stupid things.
Michael said I should say that was my twin sister if I ever see that real estate agent again.
Monday, July 11, 2005
No Recycle Dudes
So our recycle truck was supposed to come last Thursday to pickup the bins in my neighborhood. They didn't come. I figured holiday week, they screwed up and will be picking up two days late on Friday. I left my house early in the day and even took time to have the thought,
"If the truck doesn't come soon, I'm sure someone in my neighborhood will call today." The truck didn't come. Saturday morning I call and they send out a truck by 1:00. So this leads me to conclude that my whole neighborhood is full of lazy asses who can't pick up the phone. They probably would have just left the containers out until the following Wednesday.
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Overzealous Larchmont Meter Maid
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Stupid Parents - Good Batman
So here's my gripe. I noticed a fair amount of kids at this movie. That got me to thinking about the most recent lawsuit against video games, the one involving Grand Theft Auto. Then I'm thinking about all the times parents go on TV and blame violence in movies, video games and music and sex in music videos and all the bad media to which their children are exposed. Well, stupid parents, why don't you stop taking your children to violent movies? I can say that about a quarter of the full theater today were children under 10 with their parents. Oh, am I to feel sad that you really wanted to see this movie? That there weren't any other movies to take the kids to? That you just had to get the kids to be quiet for two hours. This isn't the first violent movie I've seen parents bring their kids to. So you better stop blaming the media and start taking care of your kids!
Thursday, June 16, 2005
King Tut - A Fresh New Face
So I'm watching the local news last night and there are people protesting the King Tut exhibit that opened in L.A. yesterday. I missed the actual news story, so I looked it up and found out what all the commotion was about. The protesters want the curators of the exhibit to remove three modern representations of Tutankhamun. At first when I read the story, I disagreed with their protest. I think it was due to the quotes by the protesters' spokesman, Legrand Clegg. The focus of the protest is that the busts in question portray King Tut as white rather than black. I looked into the "reconstruction" of King Tut as it was covered on the National Geographic website. It is based on CT scans of the mummy and uses forensic methods of facial reconstruction from skulls. That's all fine, but they do admit that the skin tone is just based on a middle tone of modern Egyptians. OK, so there is varying opinion as to the skin tone of King Tut. Well in my opinion, this will always be a subject that will be in question. From what I've read, there is no conclusive data as to who was King Tut's mother, so his actual lineage is not factually substantiated.
So this leads me to where my gripe is actually going. I do agree with the protesters that the new representations of King Tut should be removed from the exhibit. However, I do not agree with their reasons. The exhibit is comprised of artifacts. Why do the artifacts need to be tainted with modern technology's view of this ancient figure? There are many realistic representations of him in sculpture constructed in his time already. Why do we have the constant need to modernize history. What is so important to know exactly what King Tut looked like. Aren't the representations done in his own time sufficient? Does knowing exactly what he looks like truly affect his rule, his history and his legacy within Egyptian culture and understanding of the ancient dynasties? I don't think so. I think representations of him based on modern technology should have their own place. Forensic science is its own discipline. I believe the use of advanced technology in researching and reconstructing the past needs to be discussed and observed on its own without influencing actual physical evidence of the past in an exhibit such as this one. Just let the artifacts speak for themselves.
This is a privately funded exhibit, so the way to really protest it would be to not attend. I still want to go though. Can I really sacrifice seeing great artifacts because I don't agree with the juxtaposition to modern day technology? Still deciding...
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Public Healthcare. Is it that great?
"The justices took a year to rule on a case that began in 1997, when George Zeliotis, an elderly Montreal man, tried to pay for hip replacement surgery rather than wait nearly a year for treatment at a public hospital."
Good for the Canadian Supreme Court!
"the universal health-care system -- while considered one of the fairest in the world -- has been plagued by long waiting lists and a lack of doctors, nurses and new equipment. Some patients wait years for surgery, MRI machines are scarce and many Canadians travel to the United States for medical treatment."
So liberals of the U.S. always point to Canada and their government funded healthcare. Is it that great? Apparently, it's illegal to pay for your own healthcare unless you're a non-resident. So great, the government pays for your healthcare, but you just have to wait a couple years to get it! That would be great to find out in 2 years that you have a cancer that could have been helped if caught early on.
But yet, "Most polls indicate Canadians support Medicare, despite the high taxes needed to fund the service, seeing it as a marker of egalitarianism and independent identity that sets their country apart from the United States, where some 45 million Americans lack health insurance."
Egalitarianism?? Haven't they heard? THE WORLD IS NOT FAIR!
I don't know about those Canadians. I have a more hands-off view of government. I think it is cruel to make people who can afford quicker medical service wait for their public service to come along a year later. As for millions of Americans lacking health insurance, well the only thing I would support the government to do is to improve public health facilities and make the more affordable healthcare systems (like county hospitals), safer and more desirable places to seek healthcare. The funds it would take to support every American's health insurance would be way to great! How about regulating insurance companies to make their plans more affordable and less limiting? I know I consider what I pay for the "what if something terrible happens to me" insurance seems like quite a lot for something I haven't had to use ever!
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Stupid Green Day
So anyway, on to the Entertainment Weekly article... they're such dorks, they're all in suits and the article quotes their stylist (yeah, that's so punk to have a stylist):" 'Looking smart in a suit is not new,' says Green Day stylist Dee Anderson. ''It's more a resurgence of the old-school punk style of bands like the Clash.' " (whole article here). Did I miss something? I don't remember the Clash wearing Christian Dior? Maybe there's a tie and funky sports coat sometimes, but I don't remember them being all pretty with makeup and designer suits. Plus, if you've got to point to The Clash... where are those real old-school punks? If I know who a band is, then they've made it to mainstream radio and that, except in rare cases, doesn't exactly equal PUNK!
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
The Fuzz
So some cop yesterday totally blocked traffic just to give some guy a ticket. I'm stopped at a light behind a motorcycle cop. We are sitting at the light for at least a minute. He doesn't have his lights on or isn't motioning at all to the driver in front of him. But after he crosses through the intersection, after there is a little pocket for the driver to pull off into, the cop turns on his lights and pulls the guy over. So this is a lane with no bike lane and no space to pull over. I and the 10 cars behind me now have to stop and wait til the lane next to us is clear to go around.
It gets worse. I come back along the same street about 10 minutes later on the other side. The driver is gone, but the cop is still there, his motorcycle still in the lane blocking traffic while he finishes writing in his note pad standing under a tree in the shade. How frustrating! What did the driver do that was soooo bad that it was absolutely necessary to pull him over in this inconvenient spot and then continue to block traffic.
Well as I approach my freeway onramp, the cop cuts me off and then bangs a u-turn. Ahh, now I see why he's giving out tickets. There is an offramp that only allows you to make a right turn when you get off the freeway; it is marked with double yellows and a lot of people cross them. This is because the signage on the offramp doesn't say "only." So unless you've done it before, you don't know you're going to get stuck in that right turn. Now, yes, the drivers who cross the double yellow could cause accidents and shouldn't do it. But how about putting up better signs on the offramp and using those plastic barriers to inform the driver and prohibit the crossing of the double yellow? No, the jokers down at City Hall would rather have a cop cause traffic, more possible accidents and issue tickets. They might as well make some revenue out of this poor street planning.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Thanks George!
I know there is always a lot of this crap with all the Star Wars releases, but this time it seems like there is much, much more. So of course I'll be seeing the movie. So I guess I'm the idiot for paying George in the end anyway and he knows that. He knows that no matter how much crap he throws at us we will all still go to his movie. And I could say it will all be over with the release on May 19, but we all know there will be the theater re-release, the DVD release, the revised DVD release, the enhanced revised DVD release and then probably another theater re-re-release that will all be accompanied by the same promotional garbage. Way to go George!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
That's it.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Lazy Asses!
Monday, April 25, 2005
Oliver Stone Editing
I know there's more movies that I can't remember that are using it ... more than one a decade is definitely too many!
Friday, April 22, 2005
Jane's Fools
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Too Many Babies
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
New Website is Up
Sunday, April 10, 2005
First One is Free
Watch out! The world is full of fools and now I have an arena.