Friday, April 29, 2005

Lazy Asses!

OK, so I had to do a lot of grocery shopping at different stores the other day. Everywhere I went, I was reminded of the lazy asses of the world. Why is it so hard for people to take the carts to the nice little homes that the stores make for them in the parking lot?!!! Most grocery stores have them within a few spots of your car. I have seen people push them into the planters when there is a cart corral just 2 parking spots away!! So here I am in a hurry, I find a parking spot and there's a damn cart in it. So I have to get out of my car and move the stupid cart because there are no other spots. How hard is it people!! I will give excuse to those who have multiple screaming monster children hanging onto the cart. It is better for them to just get in the car as quickly as possible and just drive far, far away. But everyone else is a lazy ass!


Anonymous said...

I used to think the same, but the more I think about how much the bigger corporations are making (while I live in a constant state of poverty), more and more I demand that the corporate grocery stores hire an army of sentinels to take care of such things for us. Damn them! If we must be slaves to these capitalist swine, they should at least provide good parking.

I used to think "what a lazy pig!" when someone wouldn't clear their table at the sort of restaurant where one is expected to do this him or herself. But then I think, how dare these people expect me to clean up after myself? Have I become such a victim to the company line? Carls Jr. says I have to clean up after myself, and that's how it is, move along please?


Rosanna Kicks Ass said...

Dude, you are a lazy ass! I don't want a bunch of minimum wage employees lingering around parking lots waiting to move carts out of the way. These same people will get bored with their jobs, look for something better to do and probably run carts into my car as they're racing through the parking lot on them against their buddies. Also, I don't know what fast food places you go to, but any I've gone to in the last few years have their employees bus the tables if you leave your trash there long enough. As far as the capitalist swines, I'm married to one, so bigger corporate profits... yeah!

Anonymous said...

If you think that sucks...
try buying your groveries from behind bullet-proof glass in a liqour store.
Californians should not complain.
You have to walk three feet in perfect weather to retrieve a shopping cart. In Mongomery County Maryland, I could not buy liqour in a grocery store.
Talk about communism.


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