Thursday, March 29, 2007

No More Pussy

So I read this article in the Wall Street Journal, Triumph of the Fembots. First of all I must say that I was entirely surprised to find this article on the web and to find that WSJ posts its Opinion articles for free. The WSJ doesn't give anything away (try to click on one of the headlines; they're such a tease)! They have a few articles that they will allow you to read online for free each day, they aren't necessarily articles from the current issue, just free content. Also, the free stuff is a very small percentage of the paper. In order to get the full access to the website, you have to pay $80 per year.

OK, let me get onto the article. I loved it. Basically it makes a mockery out of the mocking of the Miss USA pageant by feminist groups. It's almost a historical legacy of which they can't let go. Apparently, NOW still urges women on an annual basis to stage "real woman" beauty pageants to make social and political statements. While shows such as the Victoria Secrets lingerie show exhibit much more titillating flesh, they are not held with as much disdain as beauty pageants. They should move on to the next generation of events and shows that pit woman against each other. No one can deny that the Pussycat Dolls show is humiliating and degrading to women (I've only watched 5 minutes of it, really, the commercials are bad enough). Even though the show is run by a woman and she thinks they are all empowered by using their own sexuality, how can shaking your barely covered ass for men be empowering? There is a big difference between taking control of your sexuality and using your sexuality to turn guys on in order to make money. If a woman wants to do it, that's fine because women should make their own choices in life; but don't call it empowering, call it what it is: prostitution.

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