Friday, August 29, 2008

FTC Finally Does Something Good

So this news is a week old, but I'm very excited that the FTC has finally done something that will really make my day better. The FTC has banned pre-recorded sales calls! Instead of wasting time fining people on TV, the FTC has decided to put inflict its power on those horrible companies who send out recorded messages. YAY!


Little Kenny said...

Good news for sure. Not that I answer my phone anyway, but now I'll have less messages to delete. Woohoo!

I'm glad you finally posted because it was a lot of work coming up with all that blather below.

No really it was.

forksplit said...

Isn't it the FCC that fines people on TV though?

Rosanna Kicks Ass said...

Whatever! Just kidding. Thanks for catching that. Sometimes I just get so caught up in the rant that I write stupid things.