Saturday, April 29, 2006

Adult Discrimination

So it seems like children can scream and be loud and make a total annoying scene and it's not problem. However, a cop pulls up, sees some people quietly drinking and having a good time and they need to be warned that they'll go to jail if he has to come out again.

OK, so it was a ranger in a state park, not a cop and he totally made us all fearful. But we just had a couple 12er's of beer sitting out, it was late afternoon and we were just setting up our tents. (Same thing happened with a ranger in Yosemite last year, but it was food and bears instead of beers and jail. The ranger got us all freaked out, but we literally left the bear locker open about 3 minutes! They must teach this fear-mongering in ranger 101)

Why do kids get to be loud and obnoxious all they want in the face of the law and if adults do the same, we go to jail?

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