Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Banning Celebrities

So I'm doing laundry and watching Good Morning America. They have a new series called, "Cool to Be Green" or something like that. The segment is about ways to remodel your home to be more energy efficient and better for the environment. It had some good ideas, ones that I have already heard. But clearly the majority of us aren't doing these things; otherwise we wouldn't have to be told repeatedly about what we can do to use less energy.

So what does this have to do with celebrities? My point is exactly that. After the segment is over the host goes on to ask, "what are the celebrities doing?" Celebrities will be featured in future segments showing how they go green. Who cares? Why can't we just get the information without it having to be sanctioned by celebrities?!

I understand the use of celebrities in selling burgers, soda or skin care products, but do we have to have their stamps of approval on everything in order to make it valid? Are we so dumb that we won't pay attention to a cause without celebrity endorsement? I am as much at fault as anyone. I try really hard not to pay attention, but I get caught up in their stories. I try to justify it to myself that I'm laughing at them, not with them; but I'm still keeping up with their lives.

Well, starting today, I'm going to try for the 1000th time to not pay attention to the "personal" lives of celebrities. It's just so hard, because they do such stupid things.

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