Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm a Possession?

So I'm reading the newspaper the other day and come across an article titled, "Hinckley offers guidance: Church leader defends faith." I see that it's an article about the Mormon church, as Hinckley is the current president. So I thought it was possibly about some new Mormon scandal in which the church has to defend itself, which intrigues me greatly. But it was just about some biannual conference that they have where their top leaders speak. Within the first couple paragraphs, there is a quote from Hinckley stating, "Husbands, love and treasure your wives. They are you most precious possessions." Possessions??!!! I reread the sentence to make sure I hadn't skipped something. There it was: wives are possessions. What the hell? I knew the Mormons were wacky, but I didn't think that they actually would say something like that out loud. How can we condemn other countries and religions for the way they treat women when the one religion born in America still calls its wives possessions? And how can women allow themselves to be called possessions? The Mormon church vehemently disowns the fundamentalist polygamists, but where do they think those polygamist men got the idea to treat women as something to collect? Possessions, puh-lease?

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