Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Going Down Under in Phoenix

So I got this coupon, yes coupon, in the mail for vaginal reconstruction. I usually get coupons for window cleaners, airport shuttles, exterminators etc. OK so the doctors who sent out this coupon call there procedures the Aussie Makeover because they involve your "down under" region. I almost fell over laughing. Vagina plastic surgery at a deal! How can I resist using this coupon? It says it will help my self esteem (like that's where my self esteem lies) and I can save $100!

Are there women actually out there that stupid that are going to make use of this coupon? You bet!


forksplit said...

I'm gonna have nightmares about that picture!!

Little Kenny said...

It is an odd picture.

Rosanna Kicks Ass said...

I know. I can't look at my blog to post to it. I scared myself! But oddly, I can't bring myself to take it down a car crash I guess.

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