Sunday, December 02, 2007

Will You Audition to Be My Friend

So I was just flipping around the TV, literally moments ago, and I stopped on My Super Sweet 16 on MTV. I always give this show a few minutes when I find it. The ridiculous premise is that 16-year olds of the rich and famous plan these completely over-the-top parties that cost more than most people's weddings. It's highly entertaining to watch the parents give their kids whatever they want and to watch the sad people that organize the parties take orders from these bratty kids. Two things that every show has in common is that the 16-year old always gets a car, usually costing at least $50K, and they always want to perform at their party. Most of them have no talent and no personality; it is highly amusing to watch the other kids fall over themselves just to be part of the whole spectacle.

So this particular episode totally crossed a line that I had not yet witnessed. The terrible 16-year old made her actual friends audition to be VIPs at her party! Who would audition to be someone's friend? Sad teenagers with low self esteem. I had hope for two of her friends that refuse to audition.

But then, they asked, "Can we still come to the party?"

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