Sunday, September 10, 2006

Walmart Sucks

Don't read this if you're from the Midwest.

OK, so it's no news that Walmart SUCKS, however, there are always so many new reasons to hate Walmart that I can't be satisfied with the general opinion that "Walmart Sucks." So Michael and I were on a hunt for virus software and a specific type of oil drain pan. After exhausting all the other options, we ended up at Walmart. That is usually how I end up at Walmart. I try to never ever go there. As we've just moved to Arizona, we've been running a lot of errands and checking out new places and I've seen some different groups of people. The range being from scantily clad plastic surgery wannabe hotties to opening weekend at Cabelas (one of the best places ever)!

Why is it when I go into Walmart, the people I see are the same people I see in every Walmart: dirty teens, very loud large ladies and guys on speed/crack? I know the prices are super cheap, but come on! There's gotta be a better place for these people to hang out besides Walmart, because they're always wandering around the store but not really buying anything.

Walmart people SUCK! Oh and Walmart didn't have what we wanted.

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