Monday, March 12, 2007

I Love Little Girls

OK, so these are grown women who dance for some indoor football league. I have no problem with this picture. I DO have a problem with what I saw this weekend at the Hilton Walt Disney World (which is a whole different story; I was there for a wedding). This weekend I saw girls ranging in age from about 5 to 14 or so dressed in outfits a little more skimpy than the ones in the picture. Their skirts were shorter and the straps on their tops were clear so that they look invisible from a distance. They also were wearing an extraordinary amount of makeup. Now I know that the makeup is worn so that their expressions can be seen from far away. But the whole package seen up close at 9 AM presents a whole different image. Parents groups are always coming out against celebrities and the media for exposing their young children to bad role models and inappropriate behavior. So here are these little girls dressed up like whores parading around the lobby of my hotel. Hello, parents! If you're worried about your kids growing up too fast and being sexualized by the world around them at an early age, then don't dress them up in sexy outfits that have the words "Showtime" blazed across their undeveloped breasts and painted up like Vegas showgirls!


Little Kenny said...


forksplit said...

Uhh.....Do you know when they might be coming to a Hilton near me?