Friday, April 17, 2009

Fools for YouTube

OK, I admit it, I watch the Today Show. It's silly. It's not really news no matter how much they try, but it entertains me. Anyway, they have a great fascination with showing videos from YouTube that exhibit fast food workers behaving badly. Then they do the same little dance with the video:

They always preface with, "You may want to turn away because this may turn your stomach."

They show the video.

Then they possibly talk to the stars of the video, their bosses and their embarrased family members.

Then always the worker says, "It was just a prank, I never knew it would get this big or be on TV," with a fake surprised tone in his or her voice.

Then Meredith and Matt come back and say, "Well you've got to be careful with what you put on YouTube (plug, plug, plug...the videos are always from YouTube) and I don't understand why someone would do such a thing. Don't they understand they're could lose their jobs?"

Screw the crappy fast food jobs at Dominoes or Jack in the Crack; they're a dime a dozen! They want to be on TV with Matt and Meredith! So as long as the "news" keeps playing those stories, they'll keep coming. There a plenty of fools in America. So stop playing dumb. Everyone knows that morning TV shows aren't creative enough to come up with interesting stories. I mean look at your target audience...people who aren't working at 9 AM. So you'll keep broadcasting the most dim witted of the country, of which I am obviously a member because I keep watching anyway.

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