Friday, August 26, 2005

Beach Diapers

So I don't know how a person could possibly leave something so gross behind, but there was a dirty diaper on the ground next to the shower at the beach . Yes, I know dirty diapers have been found in terrible places from the time disposables were invented. It's just been a long time since I've been surprised by one. It's just such a disgusting and unnecessary thing to do!!
I mean I hate littering in general. What if I just left some yucky underwear sitting on the ground? Would that be acceptable? No. Leaving diapers anywhere but the garbage is totally wrong, no matter what the situation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude. Diapers. Dirty diapers. That is just foul. What I really love is parents you life up their children and smell their diapers in a resturant. That is classic. I it must hormones that kick in post-partem. Last time, I leaned over and asked, "Is it a good year?"