Thursday, August 11, 2005

When Good Books Go Bad

So I just finished reading Deception Point by Dan Brown. It was one of those books that I just couldn't put down after getting into a couple of chapters. The book is about a political race and uses NASA as the key campaign debate. The author appears to have done some good research. I felt as I was reading it that most of the scientific and technological information was true, so few questions caused me pause during my reading. The action seemed lively, but mostly plausible (except for this far-fetched escape off an iceberg, but the book is fiction so I let it slide). But then, in the last 3 or 4 chapters as I raced to the end of the book, the scenarios of action and death-defying became more and more unrealistic.

And then, BAM! At the end of the book, a classic Hollywood ending: bad guys crushed, good guys win, a little corny humor and little romance - all in the White House to boot!

When an author brings me into contemporary social settings and real places with realistic characters, I expect a realistic ending. Nope, didn't happen this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I generally do not read fiction for this one reason. It is hard to find something good to read.

Hollywood sucks. I am with you sista. I am tired of all the canned endings where the good guys win and the bad guys are caught and everyone has s_x missionary style (they keep censoring me).

I personally would recommend Bollywood films. They are six-hours long, full of singing and dancing.

Oh yeah, books. Umm... Harry Potter?